KS1 Our Art & Design Curriculum


During Key Stage 1, Art and Design is about expanding children’s creativity and imagination through providing art, craft and design activities relating to the children’s own identity and experiences, to natural and manufactured objects and materials with which they are familiar, and the locality in which they live.


Key Stage 1 children will learn to:

  • explore the visual, tactile and sensory qualities of materials and processes and begin to understand and use colour, shape and space, pattern and texture, to represent their own ideas and feelings.

  • focus on the work of artists, craftspeople and designers by asking and answering questions, such as: ‘What is it like?’ ‘What do I think about it?’


In the Autumn term the children explored the work of Joan Miro.

joan m.jpg


Click the link to see some ideas to try at home:

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St Anne's Catholic Primary School
Monastery Lane, Sutton, St Helens Merseyside WA9 3SP