Design Technology


The aim of Design Technology at St Anne's is to develop creativity whilst engaging, inspiring and challenging our pupils, giving them the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create. In doing so, allowing the children to think critically, gain an understanding of design technology and reflect on how it shapes our history and contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of the nation.


At St Anne's, we celebrate the uniqueness of all our children, by giving them the opportunities to explore their ideas; experimenting, inventing and creating their own works using a range of materials. Building and embedding a variety of skills and techniques; nurturing knowledge for lifelong learning and achievement.



Design Technology Ambassadors

Year 6 - Caiden & Priya

Year 5 - Jacob, Mason & Alesha

Year 4 - Holly & Jacob

Year 3 - James & Ruby

Year 2 - Sienna, Jason & Isla


Pupil Voice

'DT is fun because we get to express ourselves in what we build. It lets me bring my creation to life.'

Casey Y6

'Technology is a major part of society and will be an even bigger part when we grow up.'

Charlie Y6


Challenge: Build a den


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St Anne's Catholic Primary School
Monastery Lane, Sutton, St Helens Merseyside WA9 3SP