
The Curriculum at St Anne’s:   

Our Intent:

We have devised our Curriculum Intent collaboratively with all members of our school community. We hope it gives an insight into who we are and what we strongly believe in at our school. Please click the link at the bottom of the page under, 'Files to Dowload'.

Curriclum Implementation:

Our 'Curriculum River' on the previous page describes how we have designed our Curriculum with a subject focus and regular, frequent revisits to previous subjects and topics. This allows cross-curricular links to me made and an opportunity to consolidate learning. We believe in building 'sticky knowledge' and vocabulary to allow learning to be understood and remembered. Please see our Curriculum Long Term Plan at the bottom of the page under, 'Files to Download'.

In addition to the Liverpool Archdiocese RE programme, ‘Come & See’ we are following the guidelines of the 2014 Curriculum.

National Curriculum

Please click on the link to view the government website that details the statutory National Curriculum Primary and Secondary Programmes of Study and Attainment Targets. The National Curriculum is to be taught in all maintained primary and secondary schools in England.

National Curriculum for September 2014


The individual class tabs will link you to this term’s curriculum overview – a quick guide to the topics being covered in each class.  .

As a Catholic School, we firmly believe in educating ‘the whole child’ and so alongside the statutory curriculum subjects we also work with every pupil to enable them to SCORE, achieving their hopes dreams and ambitions in readiness for life.

This means that we look for ways to raise each child’s:

Self-esteem, Commitment, Organisation, Resilience and Excellence (SCORE = St Anne’s CORE Values).


Coming Soon...

Our subject ambassadors will be meeting with our subject advocates to learn more about their subject and their experiences of high school. They will have the opportunity to talk about their aspirations for the future. Our Governors are looking forward to the children presenting their experiences to them! 


Files to Download

St Anne's Catholic Primary School
Monastery Lane, Sutton, St Helens Merseyside WA9 3SP