Helpline and Crisis Numbers

Helpline and Crisis numbers


For people experiencing mental health difficulties Open Monday – Friday 9am-6pm except bank holidays:

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  • InfoLine: 0300 123 3393 to call, or text 86463
  • Email


Rethink mental illness

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A service for everyone who may be affected by severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, recover a better quality of life. It provides effective service and support:



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A national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. They support young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing suicidal thoughts, as well as people concerned of someone else:



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  • Parents helpline 080 802 5544 (mon-Fri from 9:30am-4pm)
  • Youngminds crisis messanger text YM to 85258


CALM Campaign against living miserably

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A helpline for men in the UK who are down or have hit a wall for any reason, who need to talk or find information and support.


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This service provides practical help, emotional support and specialist information to individuals affected by mental health problems, their family, friends and carers.

  • Support forum
  • Saneline 0300 304 7000 (Local rate on BT landlines) Open 4-30-10-30pm every day.

St Anne's Catholic Primary School
Monastery Lane, Sutton, St Helens Merseyside WA9 3SP