St. Anne's Community Hub

What is a Community Hub?

We created our school Community Hub to support our families and the wider community.

St Anne's Catholic Primary School is proud to support our local school community in any way we can. 

One of the main ways we do this is though our Community Hub.

We know during the pandemic and lockdowns, that families struggled and we made sure no families were without and continue to be without food.

Our School hub is a welcoming and enriching place that connects children, families, educators, and the wider community.

We are supported by a hard working group of children called the 'Mini Vinnies' who take pride in helping and supporting others within our community.

Our Mini Vinnies have an excellent work ethic and are developing some great skills supporting us in our hub.

What do we offer?

We offer a wide range of facilities and services that include:

Food, clothing, books, games, uniform, toys, shoes, coats and advice.

We just love to recycle anything we can.

Opening times - Tuesday and Thursday 3.00pm-3.45pm.

( If you need any items outside of opening hours, please drop us a message using School Dojo.)

St Anne's Catholic Primary School
Monastery Lane, Sutton, St Helens Merseyside WA9 3SP