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Vision statement

The aim of Science education at St. Anne’s is to encourage all children to explore, engage and experiment with the world around them. We give children with the knowledge and skills to discover the wonders of the natural world. Children hypothesise and through scientific enquiry and real life experiences, they make discoveries and apply knowledge to construct conclusions about the world, taking them beyond the experiences of their daily lives. Science raises children’s aspirations and gives them an understanding of how to make healthy lifestyle choices for themselves and for the good of our environment. We aim to help all children to develop a love of learning in Science and equip them with the skills to become the scientists that improve our future. 

Please follow the link to access Developing Experts, our online Science platform:  Developing Experts | LinkedIn





Useful Science Links:

The RSPB Wildlife Charity: Nature Reserves & Wildlife Conservation                          Teaching Resources from Explorify – Curiosity Connections Bristol                         BBC Bitesize - Revision: Appstore for Android                       Primary resources for home learning | STEM

St Anne's Catholic Primary School
Monastery Lane, Sutton, St Helens Merseyside WA9 3SP